Evaluation and Trust Control Center
The course of selection —through our applicants’ evaluation control processes, especially those with a direct link with the 0 worth in shopping areas and granting of permits and concessions— results in reliability and permanency as members of companies and institutions.
Innovación Tecnológica
We offer value services
With our Technological Process Systems, we involve components, processes, relationships, interactions, information flows based on information and data, so that we take advantage of technologies such as Machine Learning, Big Data, and Dialogue Systems.
Objectively, the Artificial Intelligence allows for a quick background check, with high quality results given the use of AI for analysing applicants’ information such as curricula, evaluations, behavior and demeanor.
Neural Networks
Big Data
The trajectory of a person begins outside of the organization. With technological tools, insight on candidates’ profiles can be found to correlate unstructured data with primary information provided. In this way, the efficiency of the process is improved, which helps valuing the future working career.
Network Links
It allows us to get to know the people around the candidate, the relationships built between them and the micro and macrosocial processes arising from this convergence, where it is also possible to identify dynamically geopolitical, economic, social, cultural and psychosocial interactions.
We ensure current talent
Are there talented and reliable people in your organization?
- Evaluate and identify those collaborators most likely to achieve success.
- Know with whom to develop and train valuable behaviours.
- Determine which are the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) which guarantee business results linked with talent to be aligned with the objectives.
Combining knowledge with technology reduces failures and drastically improves the bias in the hiring quality.
Initial Selection
We inquiry deeply the data and background of individuals. We perform psychometric and personality evaluations.
Our team of experts interview each subject to determine their technical skills through the application of theoretical and practical exercises.
Final Selection
We choose the best evaluated applicants from the previous stages and put them for your consideration in order to ensure the most convenient choice.
Regardless of the above, when selecting a person, we previously carry out verifications such as:
- Identification documents
- Professional qualifications
- Academic record
- Employment record
- Criminal records
- Credit record
- Financial Regulators
On time, a correct evaluation instructs in a more efficient way the decision making regarding the personnel integrating your company. For this reason, we obtain from the applicants:
- Personality
- Intelligence quotient
- Abstract reasoning
- Psychopathologies
- Emotional problems
- Speed and Level of verbal and nonverbal thinking
- Problem resolution
- Decision making
- Values
- Honesty

It reliably evaluates the behavior and demeanor of the subjects in order to predict their honesty in a work environment
- Loyalty – Guided attitude in a legal framework with a sense of compliance with what is said, the commitments acquired and the promises made.
- Deviation with deceiving intention.
- Mitigate theft or robbery
- Mitigate the manipulation of facts and values for personal gain.
- Validity – Analysis of the congruence and manipulation that the person performed when answering the test to give a distorted (positive or negative) image of himself.
Main Spheres: Cognitive and Emotional.
Cognitive Sphere
- Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS IV)
- Working Styles Assessment (WSA)
Emotional Sphere
- Machover Test, also known as Human Figure Test
- Lüscher Color Test
- Bender Visual Motor Gestalt Test
Values Sphere
All of this —as a whole and particularly the background, the interview, the emotional and cognitive aspects of each subject— evidences the necessary information about the honesty candidates possess, and especially their integrity.